07305 221042 suzanne@consciouspotentialltd.com
Our Vision is to develop leaders to their fullest potential, where each leader ...
Has the freedom to explore their skills, knowledge and behaviours to grow and develop
Learns new and exciting ways to enhance their leadership style and impact
Takes time to reflect on their impact and commits to make positive change
See’s the world more holistically by focusing on the Why, What and the How
Delivers outstanding leadership in not only what they do but how they do it!
We do this by working with individuals and teams at all levels to establish sustainable change in their performance by creating the ‘space’ to develop their potential.
So what do we mean by 'space'?
This is where we create a supportive environment to listen, question and in a non judgmental way provide uninterrupted thinking time to allow the individual, leader or team to re-connect with their ‘core purpose’ or ‘why’. It’s only when we get in touch with our ‘why’ do we create strong emotional connections with others and therefore what we do and how we do it.
Our unique approach uses a blend of coaching and consultative techniques to help raise self-awareness, understanding our intent v impact and help identify the right actions to drive sustainable change.

Suzanne Braid
Learning & Development Specialist, CEO of Conscious Potential Ltd
My name is Suzanne Braid I am a highly skilled CIPD qualified Learning & Development, OD and Talent specialist, working over the last 18 years in a wide range of functions across corporate organisations.
The focus of my work is Learning & Development, Organisational Development, Talent Assessment/Development and Coaching.
I work in partnership with a core group of expert trusted Associates who bring a wealth of passion, expertise and industry wide experience.
What We Offer ...
The Future Fit Leadership programme - Haven't done anything like this before. Lots of ideas, techniques, raised my awareness.
Great course!
People Leader, Robertson Group
What Clients Say ...
Conscious Potential Ltd brings a wealth of expertise and a great way to deliver Management Development.
The facilitators are fun, engaging and bring lot's of examples to share.
I can honestly say it's been the best Management programme I have been on ever!
Manager, Cirrus Logic
07305 221042 | suzanne@consciouspotentialltd.com